A Family for Every Orphan

Join us as we work to help orphans find loving families in their home countries.
Because children belong in families.

An Orphan's Journey to Family

An orphan’s journey to family is not always a straight line. The steps may go back and forth.
They may look different in each country.

With your partnership, we are working at each point in the orphaned child’s journey to becoming united permanently with a loving family. Together we are laying foundations by helping to develop child protection laws and engaging with the church to activate change. Whether it is breaking barriers to shift cultures and mindsets towards family-based care for orphans or equipping families with practical tools, the ultimate goal is to see orphans in permanent, stable, loving families.

Laying Foundation

Your support makes sure child protection laws exist and family-based care for orphans is a priority for the government.

Activating Change

By sharing the vision of orphans in families and engaging the church and local community, you can make a major impact on children’s lives.

Breaking Barriers

Your gifts help shift mindsets and make sure orphans are given a chance to be adopted.

Equipping Caregivers

You can ensure that adoptive and foster families, caregivers and social workers are equipped to care for children in a healthy way.

Finding Families

By creating permanency and stability for orphans through placement into a family, reunification and mentorship, your support is making a difference!

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