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Emergency Request From India

Rudra Urgently Needs Your Help!

Rudra, a 12-year old boy in the Pakur region of India, was playing outside when an electricity transformer fell on top of him. 70% of his body was badly burned, and the aftermath has been harrowing for Rudra and his mother.

Due to the extensive degree of burn damage, his current doctors say he must be transferred ASAP to a larger, more sophisticated hospital that is over 9 hours away. But the cost of Rudra’s daily hospital care is $250 per day.

Rudra’s mother, Priya, is extremely poor, and he has no father.
Rudra and Priya desperately need your urgent support during this tragic time.

Right now, you can allow Rudra to move to a better hospital more equipped to deal with his treatment and healing. Your gift will also support Priya as she cares for him during his long road to recovery, keeping this family intact.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting this family in their time of greatest need? Your gift will ensure he is properly cared for until completely healed.

Thank you for caring for Rudra and Priya during such a trying time, and please continue to pray for complete and total healing.

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