The Annual Report Is Here!

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Hope Is Everything When You Have Nothing

Have you ever been in a place where all your resources were suddenly gone? Little three-year-old Zarina and her mother have. After struggling for years with alcohol and drug addiction, Zarina’s father hanged himself, leaving Zarina and Adel, her mother, without food and the most basic of necessities. Adel fought desperately to go on for the sake of her daughter, but the days were very difficult. 

By the grace of God, Zarina and Adel found their way to a woman’s and children’s center in Kyrgyzstan that is run by our partners—and their lives were radically transformed.

This vitally important Kyrgyzstani center equips caregivers with the many tools needed to face the brokenness they encounter. Caregivers poured out their love on Zarina and Adel and also taught them about Jesus’ love. In addition, they equipped Adel with the resources to care for both Zarina and herself, and patiently showed her how to process and overcome the trauma they had both faced. In short, center workers gave this needy family hope—a chance to heal from the past while looking forward to a brighter future.

Zarina and her mother are now thriving. Zarina says she wants to become a doctor when she grows up so she can “help people get better.” Praise God with us and pray as Adel continues to develop the skills she needs to be Zarina’s chief caregiver. Please also pray for the many like Zarina and Adel who also need resources, help and hope— not only for their physical well-being but for a relationship with their heavenly Father.

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