The goal is simple: to see orphans in permanent, stable, loving families in their home countries.
Because children belong in families.
How We Do This:
Family-based care is vital to the future of millions of orphaned and vulnerable children. A family provides children with emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical growth giving them a promising future with a permanent support network.
An orphan’s journey to a family is not always a straight line. With your partnership, we are working at each point in the orphaned child’s journey to becoming united permanently with a loving family. We provide funding, program strategy assistance, project development, and fiscal accountability for national teams in nine countries. The goal is simple: more orphans living in permanent families with the opportunity to become happy, contributing, faith-filled adults who are capable of receiving and giving love.
Your support makes a lasting impact on children’s lives. A gift to A Family for Every Orphan means children will be placed into loving families, giving them a chance to thrive!
We Help To:
Place children into families
Implement local foster care programs
Reunite families
Train adoptive/foster parents and caregivers
Register eligible children for adoption
Lobby/advocate to improve adoption laws
Strengthen at-risk families
Spread the message of family-based care through radio shows, books, and other resources