The Annual Report Is Here!

thank you streamline! (5)

“We were scared for our lives.”

As Russian troops lined up 17 foster children and pointed their weapons at them, it was four-year-old Oleg who asked, “Do you want to kill us?”

Praise God, they did not. However, Russian troops returned saying they wanted to take the children to Crimea to keep them safe.

Within 20 minutes, the 17 children and their foster parents were in a car fleeing to a controlled region in the east. 

Your support made it possible for these precious children to evacuate to safety. They were welcomed with immediate shelter and basic necessities. They left everything they had and must now begin to rebuild their lives. 

“They need somebody who will care,” says AFFEO Partner, Nikolai. “After that horror, after those atrocities, they have to live in safety and not think (worry) about food or about medicine.”

Will you be the person who cares by providing for their needs through a gift today?

These vulnerable children, and the many like them, are in need of: 

  • Permanent shelter
  • Food and water
  • Medicine
  • Trauma care services

Will you give today to help foster children, and many others in urgent need, begin to heal and start a new life?

With hope and blessings,

Heather Dyer
Executive Director

With your help, so many vulnerable children, teens and families have been rescued from violence. Now, they need you once again as they try to start their new lives. Your sustained support will help the most vulnerable get through the coming months.

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