One year ago, AFFEO’s beloved Executive Director, Micala Siler, was embraced by our Heavenly Father. Micala’s life was spent in service to others, answering the call in James 1:27 to faithfully “care for orphans and widows in their distress,” and we are certain there was an incredible celebration in Heaven as God welcomed her home.
Micala’s passion for orphaned and vulnerable children was palpable, and she had a deep desire to see each child in a loving and stable family.
While living in the Ukraine, Micala and her daughters would volunteer at The Ark, a home for children waiting to be adopted or reunited with their family. Her impact on the children and staff was so profound, that The Ark is dedicating a new building in her honor!
Micala’s “House of Hope” will serve as a family-style foster home for a small group of children, a training center for families, and will provide services towards reunification of families or foster and adoption, when reunification is not possible.