Will you give an orphan the gift of family this Christmas?

ukraine post 0211

Families in Ukraine Need Encouragement Today

What Will Tomorrow Bring?

This is a question many Ukrainians are asking today. In the past year, many vulnerable children and families have faced difficult challenges involving Covid-19, job loss, price inflation on necessities, and a harsh winter. Now, they face a deep season of uncertainty and concern for the state of their country.

It can be easy to give into depression, fear, and hopelessness during times like these.

There is no time like today to show Christ’s love to vulnerable families in need.

Food boxes are a tangible way to help vulnerable families experience God’s love during this season of unpredictability.

Each food box will provide a family with: 

  • Food for one month
  • Financial relief as food prices rise
  • The message that they are cared for and that there is hope

There is a universal language of love through the gift of food. It displays thought and care to at-risk children and families by bringing them peace of mind knowing where their next meal is coming from. 

$100 can provide one family with meals for a month.

Will you provide meals and comfort to vulnerable families in Ukraine today?

But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. ~Psalm 9:18

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