Arya*, a sweet seven-year-old in Ukraine, has been joyfully reunited with her mother but urgently needs your prayer support.
After Arya’s father tragically died, her mother, Katia, did what she could to cope. She struggled to find a job, maintain her home, and meet Arya’s needs … but also turned to alcohol to numb her pain. Unfortunately, Katia’s efforts to support her daughter were unsuccessful; Arya was removed from her mother’s care and placed in an orphanage.
But Katia did not give up. After many long and arduous months, Katia successfully completed a rehabilitation program. With the support of an AFFEO partner, she found a job and was able to repair her home. As a result, AFFEO’s partner worked tirelessly alongside government social workers and they were able to reunite Arya and Katia as a family!
Arya excels in school and loves drawing and cooking with her mom. After the trauma of living in an orphanage and enduring the effects of war, being with her mother again has given Arya her first sense of safety and normalcy in years.
Although Arya and Katia’s reunion is a touching story of resilience and love, the ongoing war in Ukraine has brought new challenges. Recently, they had to evacuate to a safer area, leaving behind much of what they had rebuilt. Our partner is working to help them adjust to their new community, but they urgently need basic necessities as well as ongoing psychological support.
Won’t you pray with us that the Lord would provide the funds needed for Arya and her mother to stay together? After so many setbacks, they desperately need to know the stability and comfort of being with each other permanently.
Would you please pray as well for other Ukrainian families who find themselves in similar straits — that God would also help them to find the means to remain and thrive together? Our prayers can provide hope and healing in the midst of very difficult situations.
Thank you for taking the time to remember Arya, Katia and others who may live many miles away but need to be reminded that God loves and cares for them!
*Photo and names have been changed for privacy