The Annual Report Is Here!

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A message from Daria, AFFEO Regional Program Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

One of the main areas of work of AFFEO partner organizations in Ukraine is the support of adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents throughout Ukraine.
Our partners pay special attention to elderly people who take care of their orphaned grandchildren. As the war in Ukraine continues on, this work is especially needed.

Below is a story that I received recently from a partner in Ukraine. I want to share it with you today:

Twelve-year-old Darinka has experienced much difficulty and heartbreak in her young life. Three years ago, she lost her mother to cancer. Her father abandoned the family around the same time. Darinka’s grandmother Valentina could not even think of having her granddaughter sent away to institutional care, so she fought for guardianship. 

Things were just beginning to feel stable again when Russian troops invaded the Kharkiv region where Darinka and Valentina live. The full-scale war broke into their lives as quickly as it did into the lives of millions of Ukrainian families throughout the country.

“We didn’t have the strength to be under constant shelling in Kharkiv, so we left there,” says Valentina. 

Valentina and Darinka found shelter in the Poltava region, about 95 miles away from their home. There they received psychological support and humanitarian aid, as well as prayer support from the local church community. All of the groups providing support to Valentina and Darinka are part of the alliance “Ukraine Without Orphans,” an AFFEO partner.

Despite losing her parents and her home and experiencing so much trauma, Darinka has the love, support and care of her grandmother. She has a sense of security. 

Will you join us to pray for God’s continued protection for this family? We give thanks for the partners and resources that are continuing to serve vulnerable families in Ukraine. 

A note from Daria continued…

As of the end of 2022, about 35.6 million people live in Ukraine, and at least 17.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Thus, half of the population of Ukraine can be classified as belonging to the socially vulnerable category (internally displaced persons, the poor, people with disabilities, families from rural areas, graduates of institutional care, people from recently liberated territories, etc.) and/or those who lost their former social ties and did not adapt to new living conditions. The largest number of people belonging to socially vulnerable categories is concentrated in the front-line regions with cities of millions, as many people come there from nearby villages and rural areas fleeing the war. The Kharkiv region stands out (1.7 million people in need of assistance).

AFFEO feels privileged to support the work of our partners who chose to stay in Kharkiv and continue their service to families, children and young people in need.

Thank you for the incredible role you play in helping orphaned and vulnerable children!

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