“All I Want for Christmas…”

“I just want a mom to love me,” cries five-year-old Augustin.

You see, Augustin was abused by his birth mother to the point that he needed to be hospitalized. Then he spent the first several years of his life alone in an orphanage in Kyrgyzstan.

Nine months ago everything changed when Maria started fostering Augustin. He is finally experiencing the tender love of a mother! Maria cares for him deeply, taking him to speech therapy and taking classes on how to help Augustin cope with his past trauma. And Augustin is beginning to heal. Under Maria’s care, Augustin’s teachers have seen major improvements in his eagerness to learn and participate in lessons.

Maria is doing everything she can to care for Augustin and to show him that he is worthy of love. Equally significantly, Maria wants to officially adopt Augustin this Christmas!

However, due to complications with his adoption paperwork, Augustin is at risk of being sent back to the orphanage. Augustin’s new life of stability and safety is in jeopardy. Maria and Augustin desperately need to hire an adoption lawyer to navigate the logistical hurdles and help Augustin stay with Maria permanently.

Please join us in prayer that God would provide the necessary funds to help Maria fight to adopt Augustin. The best Christmas gift that Augustin could have is a mother to nurture and cherish him. Like all children, he deserves a life filled with hope, healing, and family.

Maria is doing everything she can to become Augustin’s forever mother. Won’t you pray with us that God would answer her prayers? And please also remember other children like Augustin, who need a permanent family so that they never spend another Christmas, neglected and alone, in an orphanage.

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