The Annual Report Is Here!

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Approximately 2 Million Children Without Parents Due to COVID-19

COVID Devastating Children Worldwide

COVID has left a lot of heartache in the lives of children globally. While children haven’t been in the headlines, they have been tragically affected by it. 

  • In May 2021, 1.8 million children experienced the death of a parent/primary caregiver
  • Approximately 150 million additional children are living in poverty without access to essential resources
  • Children whose schools were closed are now twice as likely to experience violence in the home 
  • Approximately 80 million children under the age of 1 will miss out on receiving life-saving medical treatment / medicines
  • Many countries have halted adoption/foster-care processes, leaving children in dire circumstances
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Your Gift Today Will:

  • Support orphans who have lost one or both parents/caregivers
  • Provide basic necessities such as food, water, and critical medical supplies to orphans and adoptive/foster families
  • Provide essential online counseling and training to orphans and adoptive/foster families
  • Distribute online resources for parents and children stuck at home
  • Push forward adoption cases that are currently halted due to COVID-19
  • Support churches and organizations working with at-risk children and families in their communities
  • Provide safe families and homes for orphans and vulnerable children at-risk of living on the street, being sent to an institution
  • Facilitate and distribute resources to communities about how to get involved in orphan care in their area

Your gift today will change an orphan’s life forever. You can help prevent orphanhood and help place these precious children in loving families.

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