Being at Camp Saved Matvey’s Life

In July we asked you to pray for therapeutic summer camps in Ukraine — places where traumatized children could receive support for the horrors they have experienced during the war. Today we have a story about one of those children.

When Matvey learned he would get to attend a therapeutic camp this past summer he was very excited! To make sure he was able to go, his family postponed plans to visit his grandmother.

While at camp, Matvey received

  • Coping strategies and resources to use long-term
  • Methods to process old and new traumatic events
  • Trauma care counseling and various therapies

In addition, he was also able to just be a kid. Some of Matvey’s favorite parts of camp were woodworking and playing games with his peers.

While he was still at camp—the very weekend he was supposed to visit his grandma—her apartment came under fire and shelling. Tragically, his grandma and two other people lost their lives.

Matvey was heartbroken, but thankful that he and the rest of his family were safe.His camp counselors were able to help him process this new trauma right as it was happening.

Thank you so much for your prayers for these special therapeutic camps! Through them Matvey and hundreds of other children were equipped with invaluable skills – physically, emotionally, and mentally – to help them move on from their places of trauma. For Matvey and others, this was an opportunity to be part of something really special—something that would begin restoration and healing.

Please continue to pray for Matvey and others as they return to their families and resume life as they know it much better equipped to handle their unique and difficult situations.

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