Community Centers to Address Multiple Needs of Children

We are so pleased to announce that one of our partners in Ukraine is opening community centers for children and families affected by the war in Ukraine. They will be safe places for families with children to receive the wholesome support they need in order to work through their losses and difficulties to live a full life once again. The plan is to implement these centers in 15 regions of Ukraine.

Community centers are an effective way to support the most vulnerable children and families, helping them heal from the trauma of war and rebuild their lives while strengthening family relationships. Another facet to this project is that it will strengthen the capacity of civil society to provide the necessary social, psychological and legal support as well as humanitarian assistance to children and families affected by war by leveraging the resources and support of NGOs, businesses and churches

Help for children and teens will take various forms, such as: provision of clothing; wholesome development (fostering creativity and talent); medical checkups and treatment; provision of enriching leisure (extracurricular clubs and workshops); psychological adaptation and adjustment to new life circumstances; pre-school preparation (including developmental games); and teaching and fostering self-care skills.

Help for Parents will take the form of: humanitarian aid: assistance in receiving medical aid: psychological and socio-pedagogical aid; employment help; support groups; and parenting skills training.

Each center will be open 5 days/week, 7 hours/day to support 50 children (up to 20 families) per day, or 2,000-3,000 children(up to 1,000 families) per year.

Won’t you pray with us that these ambitious and incredible plans would come to fruition? Especially that the Lord would graciously provide the funds necessary? The care provided for vulnerable children and families will be phenomenal!

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