COVID-19 Response—Please pray with Us!

According to UNESCO, more than 1.25 billion children and youth—more than half of the world’s student population—are having to stay away from schools and universities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And statistics show that children are three times more likely to be exposed to violence during extended periods of being in either unsafe or unsupervised situations.

In addition, many of the loving families and children that you have prayed for are facing very stressful financial concerns. Often jobs will not continue to pay when family members are not allowed to go to work. To further compound the situation, the value of local currencies around the world has dropped substantially. Please continue to pray with us for these vulnerable children and families. And please continue to pray for the children who have no family. Hard times like these mean that their lives and their situations will become even more difficult.

Rest assured that, during these uncertain times, we at AFFEO are praying for you. Please let us know of any specific needs you have or ways we can be praying.

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