The Annual Report Is Here!

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End 2021 with Hope for Orphans

End this year with hope

Covid-19 has vastly changed all of our lives. It has changed how we interact, how we speak to one another, and even the structure of families. 

The CDC estimates that 5.2 million children have become orphans since the onset of COVID-19 due to the death of a caregiver. In addition, countless families are in deeper levels of poverty due to job loss and inflation, driving a significant increase in neglect and child abandonment.

But just when it seems that all hope is lost, God made a way, and that way is YOU!

Your support has provided various support services and care to help children remain, reunite, or regain a family. Because of you, more foster and adoptive parents are stepping up as hearts are ignited through conferences and orphan awareness training you supported.

As the pandemic continues, the needs remain greater than ever before.

With your gift today:

  • At-risk families will be strengthened so children can be reunited or remain in their loving care.
  • Orphaned and vulnerable children will be advocated for, to find loving care in a safe and stable family.
  • Foster and adoptive parents will be equipped and supported as they care for children.

YOU can bring joy to the mourning.

YOU can give strength to the weak.

YOU can bring hope to the hopeless. 

Will you give HOPE today to children who have become orphans due to COVID-19, along with at-risk families desperately trying to make ends meet to ensure their children remain in their care?

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