Fall 2023 Update Is Here: Families Restored in Ukraine and India

Your gifts are creating lasting change in the lives of vulnerable children in Ukraine and India!

You sent Matvey to summer camp and saved his life!
After experiencing the horrors of war for the past year, Matvey was excited for the chance to finally attend summer camp. To make sure he was able to go, his family postponed plans to visit his grandmother.

Your gifts gave Matvey a chance to have an incredible summer camp experience!

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While at camp, Matvey received much-needed support for the unspeakable events he has lived through, including:

•Trauma care through counseling and various therapies
•Coping strategies and resources to use long-term
•Methods to process through old and new traumatic events

He was also able to just be a kid! Some of Matvey’s favorite parts of camp were woodworking and playing games with his peers.

While he was still at camp, the very weekend he was supposed to visit his grandma, her apartment came under shelling and fire. Tragically, three people died, including Matvey’s grandmother. Matvey was heartbroken, but thankful that he and his family were safe. His camp counselors were able to help him process this new trauma right as it was happening.

Thank you for equipping Matvey, and many children like him, with invaluable skills – physically, emotionally, and mentally – through therapeutic summer camps!

Naya and Amal were trapped in the clutches of poverty.
Their single mother, driven and determined, launched her own grocery store to support her family. She had big dreams for Naya and Amal; she wanted to make sure they and an education and everything needed to thrive. The grocery shop served as the family’s primary financial source. However, it was made from flimsy materials and was close to falling apart. Their sole income stream was constantly at risk.

This is where you stepped in and made an incredible impact in their lives!

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Your gifts helped Naya and Amal break free from generational poverty by:

•Providing the girls access to proper education by supplying school supplies, fees, and uniforms
•Restoring the mother's grocery shop with better materials, empowering her to generate a consistent income for years to come

Your generosity towards strengthening families like Naya and Amal’s provides children with the opportunity to remain in their safe and loving family.

Because of you, families are experiencing stability. Children are experiencing rehabilitation. And all are becoming healthy and whole together.

Thank you for your enormous heart for the vulnerable!

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