The Annual Report Is Here!

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Families are Warm because of YOU!

When winter approached with freezing temperatures in Ukraine, your support wrapped vulnerable families in warmth. 

The Panchenko family is just one of the many families you kept from freezing.

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Evgeny and Ladia serve their community wholeheartedly. They care for the needy in their area and have adopted 21 children, many with disabilities. Their love for others is endless. 

Ladia says, “We are very grateful for the financial support for our family. We
were able to buy firewood for our house– keeping our children and neighbors warm. May God bless you and reward you.” 

Ephesians 4:16 “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every
supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

Meeting families tangibles needs helps to protect children and prevents separation. Thank you for keeping the Panchenko family warm this winter and for pouring out your love and care to the most vulnerable. 

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