The Annual Report Is Here!


Five Sisters—Together at Last!

Five young sisters in Central Asia were separated from each other after their mother was unable to care for them and refused all offers of help and support. When the mother’s parental rights were terminated, the girls were split into two different locations: the three older sisters were placed in an orphanage, while the two younger sisters were moved to a “baby house,” an orphanage specifically for children ages two and under.

Now the girls would not only have to grow up separated from their mother, but also separated from each other — in two different orphanages. The only family they knew was being torn apart.

Amina, the director of a Central Asian program that partners with A Family for Every Orphan (AFFEO), was heartbroken to learn about this family’s dire situation. She and her husband felt called to provide for these children and quickly intervened. Their heart’s desire was for these five girls to stay together, to prevent further trauma, and to give these girls hope for their future. So, they recently started the process of adopting all five sisters!

AFFEO helped the couple get through the necessary steps which were filled with meetings and paperwork. They are now on their way to officially welcoming the girls into their family, providing a stable, loving home where their daughters can grow up together in a family that genuinely cares for them.

Praise God with us for Amina and her husband’s willingness to take on this huge responsibility! Please pray for grace, patience, and stamina as this loving couple goes through all the red tape needed to complete the adoption process. And pray that the girls will quickly adjust to and thrive in their new forever family. Thank you!

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