The Annual Report Is Here!

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Food Insecurity Threatens Many Ukrainian Families

Spring is a time of new beginnings as we rejoice in Christ’s resurrection. It is also a great time of joy and therefore peace, and a time of immense hope.

But, sadly, that’s not the experience many struggling families in Ukraine are having right now.

Julie is an eight-year-old child who isn’t sure where her next meal is coming from. Julie’s mom loves her deeply and works hard to provide for her daughter, but with inflation and food shortages, they’re stuck and struggling to find sustenance.

Your prayers could be a tremendous help! We are asking the Lord for the necessary funds to provide seeds and other gardening supplies for families like Julie’s. These tools will give such families a sustainable way to produce food. Would you pray with us for the gardening funds needed to help keep Ukrainian families fed and together?

Unfortunately, food insecurity not only steals a family’s peace, but can put family members at risk of separation. Children are often placed in an orphanage when their basic need for food is not met. It has been proven that orphanages cannot meet a child’s emotional or developmental needs, and that separation from family creates significant life-long trauma and loss.

Your prayers today could not only be instrumental in providing essential nourishment for children, but they could also play a crucial role in helping children remain in their families—ensuring that children grow and thrive within the supportive embrace of their own families.

Thank you for continuing to wrap your arms around at-risk families to keep them together. Thank you for helping them feel the tangible love of Christ and peace this spring by giving them tangible hope!

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