For Sophia*, Home Is Now A Reality

For baby Sophia—born in Paraguay almost a year ago—Mother’s Day held special significance this year. On that day, motherhood was celebrated like never before by the multiple mothers in her life:

  • her birth mother, who still struggles with addictions, but loves her very much even though she can’t care for her
  • her foster mother, who lovingly opened her arms, family, and home to care for Sofia for several months
  • and her aunt, who graciously received her into her family, and will most likely become her adoptive mother.

Thanks to the efforts of our partners in Paraguay, Sofia is now home!

Since Sofia’s mother has been a drug addict for more than 10 years, Sophia was born with drug intoxication, placing her at high social and life-threatening risk. Soon after birth, Sofia had to be removed from her family. By God’s grace she was placed in a loving foster home. (Foster care is not readily available in Paraguay, and the usual option is going to a children’s home for extended periods, sometimes years.)

Baby Sofia, despite initial health complications, thrived in her foster home, but needed a permanent placement. Our partner’s team worked with the foster family, giving them training and support, while also carrying out the pending family reunification assessment work.

The initial visits with the birth mother and other family members were heartbreaking. They very much wanted Sofia back, but after the team explained more about Sophia’s needs—and what the court requires for her safety and health—Sofia’s birth mother tearfully expressed that adoption would probably be the best option. Unfortunately, she has been unable to get into drug rehab since the public detox center is overcrowded, and she lives in a very unstable, violent environment.

Through Sofia’s birth mother, the team was able to contact of her sisters who had moved away years ago and was part of a very stable family in a nearby village in rural Paraguay. Amazingly, when the social work team visited this aunt and family, they found a precious jewel — a family doing well, who from the bottom of their hearts wanted to care for Sofia and even hoped to adopt her!

As a result of our partners’ professional work in Sophia’s case, a court hearing to review their recommendations was held soon after the visit. Just before May 15, Mother’s Day in Paraguay, baby Sofia went home to her aunt and beautiful family in the countryside.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers for children like Sophia to find loving, forever families that will care for them unconditionally. Please pray for that Sophia’s aunt will be able to adopt her, and that other little ones like Sophia who are waiting for forever families—many of them for long periods—would also find loving, permanent homes.

*Sophia’s name and photo are fictitious to protect her identity.

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