Healing Brings Hope

During the months since Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine,12-year-old Vika, like many other children, has witnessed unspeakable horrors. One of those horrors was the bombing of her town in Ukraine. Fortunately, she was safely evacuated.

When Vika arrived as a refugee in her new country, she exhibited symptoms of PTSD: anxiety, twitching, heightened emotions, fear of death. She developed a sleep disorder and began having nightmares. She stopped eating.

Vika is not alone in her suffering. Nearly two out of every three children in Ukraine have been displaced by the war. Many have left everything they had and fled west. Prior to the war, countless orphans and vulnerable children were already experiencing significant trauma, and the additional trauma of war has overwhelmed them.

Several AFFEO partners are providing trauma care services to orphans and vulnerable children, helping them heal and regain a sense of safety. Through the trauma therapy provided by some of these partners, Vika’s anxiety levels have decreased. She has learned stabilization techniques including breathing exercises and the “butterfly hug.” Her nightmares have also stopped, and she is eating normally again. “The feeling of safety that was taken from me returned, and I feel hope in my heart again,” Vika added.

Would you please pray for hundreds of children like Vika who need to reclaim their mental health and peace? Please ask the Lord to provide the funds needed to help orphans, vulnerable children and families 

  • process the traumatic events of war and improve their mental health and quality of life.
  • gain a voice and sense of security. 
  • learn about healthy socio-emotional and behavioral skills.
  • begin to feel hope once again.

Thank you for remembering these vulnerable children and families who urgently need to begin to heal and start their lives afresh.

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