The Annual Report Is Here!

Helping Denisa and Bianca Come Home This Christmas

Denisa (13) and Bianca (12) want nothing more than love and stability this Christmas. Although their past tells a story of abuse and neglect, their future can be bright! In fact, a man named Alex recently told me “Bianca is a star!” Amidst the rubble of her life, he doesn’t see all the broken pieces. He sees her light. 

Alex and his wife Nati want to adopt the girls. They just need your help. 

This Christmas, would you consider giving a gift that will allow Bianca and Denisa to be embraced by a wonderful family?

For the past four years, Alex and Nati and their four adopted children have hosted Denisa and Bianca in their home regularly over weekends and holidays (their orphanage allows this). Bianca “the star” is a talented singer who performs without flinching in front of large crowds. Denisa is quiet and thoughtful. She often surprises Alex by how mature her conversations are. 

Alex and Nati have built relationships based on trust, love, and respect with both girls. They’ve watched them grow and learn along with their own children. Denisa and Bianca are now eligible to be fostered by Alex and Nati. Eventually, they will be able to be adopted! 

Right now the only thing standing in the way of this permanent placement into Alex and Nati’s family is a bedroom. Child protective services require that they build another room onto their house since they already have four children. Can you imagine? The only thing keeping these girls away from their forever family is some drywall and paint! 

Your gift today will help them finish the construction and allow the girls to go home this Christmas.

As you consider a gift for Denisa and Bianca this Christmas, I wanted to share this touching little story. Not long ago, Alex asked Denisa: “if you met God face to face and could ask Him to grant you any three wishes, what would they be?” At first, Denisa said that she would not ask for anything. After gentle prodding and a reminder from Alex that God can do anything we ask and more, she replied, “I would ask Him to give me a family – a family who would be good to me.”

Thank you for the compassion you share for children like Denisa and Bianca and your desire to help them shine.

May Christ’s peace and love overflow in your homes this Christmas! 

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