Hope Begins for 13-Year-Old Geofri*

Born in Romania with brain damage and respiratory issues, Geofri was hospitalized during most of his infancy. But then he began the vicious cycle of being shuffled back and forth between institutions and foster homes. In essence, Geofri spent the first 12 years of life as an abandoned and abused child.

Thankfully, a loving couple met Geofri and believed in their hearts that he deserved a chance to be loved and cared for. Simona and Serghei  knew Geofri’s  history and that the road ahead would be difficult, but they adopted him!

For the first time in his life, Geofri is not frightened by his “caregivers” and he is starting to understand the comfort and security of a safe, loving family.

Geofri’s parents are doing all they can to give him a chance to heal and grow into a thriving young man. But the family’s weekly counseling and therapy sessions, along with Geofri’s many medical appointments, are expensive.

Geofri’s family urgently needs you to intercede for them; would you pray that God would provide the necessary funds for both individual and family counseling sessions, ongoing trauma training for Simona and Serghei, and medical treatments for Geofri’s medical issues? All are vital to Geofri’s complete recovery from years of abuse and rejection.

Thank you for your commitment to pray for Geofri and his family. Only God can reverse the mental, emotional and physical trauma that little Geofri has had to endure for most of his young life. We pray that the Lord will also abundantly meet your needs as you face the challenges of the continuing pandemic in 2021.

*Photo and name changed for child’s privacy

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