The Annual Report Is Here!

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Hope for India’s Orphans Amidst COVID Concerns

It seemed cut and dried, but little Harshil was stuck. He had no parents to care for him, yet because of a complicated registry process, he couldn’t be adopted.

In India, there are more than 50,000 orphans like Harshil waiting to be added to the adoption registry. The only barrier between these children and a forever family is a social investigation. This investigation is a process that determines if there are any living relatives who will take the child. If none are found, the child may then be legally freed for adoption.

Praise God, major barriers are being broken to help get more children into families! Many people—like you—are praying and sharing resources, fighting for children like Harshil to receive these much-needed social investigations. This will allow previously ignored children to become legally registered for adoption. Would you continue to pray for new and updated child welfare laws, processes, and regulations in India? Your prayers provide hope to children in India, showing them they can and should belong in forever families.

Please also pray for God to protect our partners in India as the pandemic casualties there have reached unprecedented proportions. On May 12 India’s coronavirus death toll crossed 250,000 in the deadliest 24 hours since the pandemic began. India now accounts for 30% of COVID-related deaths worldwide.  Please pray that God would supernaturally intervene.

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