The Annual Report Is Here!

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Merry—Reunited with Her Family!

After Merry lost her father to malaria, she was placed in a family style home in her Southeast Asian country. Thankfully, as her basic needs were met, she also learned about Jesus and experienced the care of a safe and loving caregiver.

Meanwhile, Merry’s uncle was searching hard for a job that would provide enough income for him to care for his niece. Providentially, he found a good, stable job that would meet their needs and he joyfully welcomed Merry into his home! She is thriving in school and is happy to live with her loving uncle. Praise God with us that Merry was reunited with a member of her extended family!

Even as Merry’s smiling face and this season of Valentines remind us to celebrate the love we share with our family and friends, let’s remember those vulnerable children who have no such connections. Won’t you join your hearts with us as we continue to help orphans remain with, reunite with, or regain a family in their home countries? Your prayers are vital as we assist more children like Merry to experience the tangible love of Christ through a forever family. Thank you for standing in the gap for them!

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