Please Pray for AFFEO Crisis Responders

War, civil unrest and more extraordinary hardships continue to impact the world at a rapid pace. Thanks to your prayers, AFFEO is in the thick of it in some of the hardest places, helping vulnerable children and families amidst it all.

Mob violence that hit Kyrgyzstan earlier this year barely caused a blip on American media’s radar. Despite the challenges, AFFEO partners are traveling to four regions of this majority-Muslim nation, meeting with Christian pastors and mobilizing a wider national movement to care for orphans. They are also helping several families in crisis, including the mother and her children pictured above. Praise God for the foresight of these AFFEO partners, and pray with us that their desire to see a wider national movement caring for orphans would come to fruition. Please pray also for the families in crisis that these partners are helping—many are Muslims and do not yet know how Jesus can transform their personal lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften their hearts and that they would be curious to understand what motivates these Christians who are helping them.

In Ukraine AFFEO partnersoffertrauma counseling for children and families experiencing the horrors of war. In addition, one AFFEO partner is building greenhouses for vulnerable families who have lost everything, giving them a sustainable way to ensure they can provide for their families. Please pray that these gracious partners would be able to continue their efforts!

Although American media has been virtually silent on the subject, Bangladesh was recently hit by riots that left more than 300 people dead. We thank God that AFFEO partners are sheltering multiple orphans, keeping them safe from the chaos. Please pray that these partners would continue to have the means to assist Bangladeshi orphans, and that the Lord would help these orphans to process what is happening and come to know His comfort and love. 

When hard times hit, children are the most helpless and the most likely to be lost in the chaos. Thank you for praying for efforts that deliver blessings—bringing help and hope to the most vulnerable during their darkest hours.

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