Praise God with Us for Our Partners in India

In this season of thanksgiving we are so grateful for our international partners! One of those partners in India, Everett Mission, recently sent us a report of what God has been accomplishing through them.

Everett Mission hasconducted more than 75 vision-casting seminars—showing how children belong in families and orphan care is our responsibility as per the biblical mandate (James 1:27). In addition, they have held more than 15 trauma-trainings for pastors, leaders, and government child welfare officials.

They have also reached out to more than 5,000 churches in India using Orphan Sunday tools; Orphan Sunday has been renamed Sneha Sunday in this part of India. This Sneha Sunday platform has helped start the Bharathiya Sneha Parivar movement—which promotes the vision of an India without orphans.

Both directly and indirectly Everett Mission has helped many families adopt their children; in India, they provided support to more than 600 families and, internationally, to more than 80 families. In addition, over the past eight years their CEO has partnered with an American organization to help nearly 200 families give a forever home to special needs Indian children.

Other services Everett Mission has helped or helps provide are

• food to more than 6,000 families during COVID-19

• groceries for 30 tuberculosis patients

• an after-school program for about 50 kids from surrounding villages (the mission provides prayer, education, nutritious meals and games, as well as monthly hygiene kits)

• a yearly blanket drive for poor children, widows, the physically challenged, and the elderly

• empowerment for women (the mission runs two tailoring schools, urban and rural, which have empowered more than 80 women)

As we thank God for how He has opened doors and blessed these opportunities, please pray with Everett Mission that God would continue to provide the necessary material and financial means for them to expand and continue their efforts and outreaches. Thank you so much!

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