Pray for Every Orphan: Every Child Dreams of a Family

Your prayers are changing orphan’s lives in Romania! A blossoming orphan care movement is influencing the way Romania cares for its most vulnerable and your prayers are at the center of this transformation.

“There is new wave of Christians in Romania and they want to be involved,” a Christian leader in the Romania Without Orphans movement stated recently. More than 200 churches are now actively building orphan care ministries!

A country once known for its horrific orphanage conditions is transforming into an example of restoration, reflecting the Father’s heart for the orphan. Last year the number of national adoptions in Romania increased from 750 to 1,250! Twenty of those adopted were part of a program that provided 40 families with support groups, training and counseling.

Recently, almost 200 orphan advocates participated in a city-wide 10K and Family Fun Run spreading the vision of placing children in families. Their t-shirts (see photo) said, “Visul favorit al fiecărui copil este familia,” which translated means “the dream of every child is to have a family.”

Thank you for your prayers supporting family-based orphan care in Romania! Please pray that God would continue to move mightily, touching many hearts to adopt: 57,000 children in Romania’s orphan care system are still waiting for a loving, forever family.

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