The Annual Report Is Here!

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Raise Ukraine!

When the bombs started falling in Ukraine, our partners there immediately mobilized to help save the most vulnerable. But the truth is, they could not have done it without your help.

Now, another grave challenge presents itself—because even as many are now out of the reach of bombs, these children and families are still hungry, still need a roof over their heads, and still need someone to help them work through the hurt and loss. 

Will you help make a difference in the lives of children and families, like Halyna’s?
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Although now safe, Halyna and her children remain in desperate need of support. They need longer-term safe shelter, food and water and trauma care services as they process the horrors of war on top of the heartache they previously experienced.

So many Ukrainian families are like Halyna and her children. They were struggling even before the war. And now, they have been displaced from their homes and have another layer of trauma. They need your help now more than ever before.

Funds are critically needed to provide the assurance of food, shelter and trauma care to vulnerable families like Halyna’s. With your support, hundreds of families will receive assurance of these basic needs to help end their state of panic. 

Because the needs are vast and urgent to help families, we estimate hundreds of thousands in total need to provide critical care, food and shelter through the end of the year. 

Anything you can give today will be a blessing to these struggling families. Will you consider one-time or ongoing monthly gifts, through the end of the year, to raise up these vulnerable children, teens and families in their deepest time of need by providing help and assurance?

Please act as soon as possible as the needs of these families are urgent, and they really have nowhere else to turn.

To bring hope to the most vulnerable,

heather dyer signature dark

Heather Dyer
Executive Director

P.S. With your help, so many vulnerable children, teens and families have been rescued from violence. Now, we cannot leave them hungry and hopeless. Please help the most vulnerable get through the coming months by providing sustained support. Thank you so much!

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