You Can Provide Tangible Help and Hope
for a Widow and Her Daughters
Saanvi and her daughters' journey is heartbreaking, but your support can help equip Saanvi's family and others like them in their time of greatest need.
Amrita, a precious 8-year-old girl in India, recently lost her father. Right now, she desperately needs immediate help in order to stay with her mother. Will you step in to help this precious family today?
Since Amrita’s father died, Amrita’s mom, Saanvi, has been working feverishly to support Amrita and her 4-year-old little sister. Saanvi labors long hours as a maid for multiple homes, trying her best to make ends meet. In their hearts, they are mourning. In the eyes of the world, they are alone, vulnerable, and unprotected.
However, you and I know God has not abandoned this widow and her orphans. Your gift today will help show Saanvi and her daughters this powerful truth!

Supporting families likes Amrita's gives them a chance for a brighter future AND keeps families intact.
Children raised in the safety of a loving family thrive, as they are able to reach their full developmental potential. With the permanency and steadfast support of a family, they navigate the challenges of youth and beyond with resilience and assurance,
fostering a foundation for lifelong success.
Though Saanvi is working hard to provide for her family, she is slipping further behind. As she struggles to afford food and education for her girls, the doubts creep in: Will they have enough to get by? Would her girls be better off in an orphanage?
Saanvi does not want to send her girls away, breaking up the only family they have left. Amrita and her sister want to stay with their mother. They need your help today to stay together.
Your support will be a huge blessing for Saanvi and her girls … providing for their most urgent needs, allowing them to remain intact during a hard time, and offering hope for a brighter future!
Thank you for sending a powerful message to Saanvi’s family and others like them through your support: You see their hurt, their valiant efforts to remain a family, and are standing with them.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” — James 1:27