Thank You for 10 Years of Faithful Prayers!

We thank God that, during these past 10 years, your prayers have helped A Family for Every Orphan link orphans with loving families.

One example is the story of siblings Vika and Nikita. Little seven-year-old Vika and her two-year-old brother, Nikita, were left to fend for themselves after their alcoholic mother abandoned them. Vika did her best to care for Nikita, who had open wounds and scars covering his body — it was a miracle that they both even survived. They were eventually placed in an orphanage, but Vika said her dream was for a loving family to adopt her and her brother.

In 2013, Vika’s dream became a reality! She and Nikita were adopted by Christian family who began caring for these two sweet children.

Today, seven years later, Vika and Nikita enjoy life with their parents and siblings as missionaries. Now nine, Nikita is an active boy who loves playing soccer for his local club. Vika is 14 and was baptized this year! Both are so happy to finally be part of a caring, loving family.

Your prayers over the years have been instrumental in the lives of thousands of orphans. We are so thankful for the impact you have made! Our work, however, is far from over. There are still millions of children growing up without experiencing the love and stability of permanent families. Please covenant to pray with us that, in the coming years, many, many more children like Vika and Nikita would find kind and loving forever families. Through these prayer updates we promise to provide information to help guide your prayers. Thank you for your partnership!

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