Vulnerable Children Need Your Help
The recent movie, “Sound of Freedom,” is opening eyes to hard things – the devastating issues of child trafficking and abuse that AFFEO partners deal with daily.
We are grateful for more awareness surrounding this important issue, and with your help we remain committed to protecting more children from trafficking.

In Ghana, children are “disappearing” more and more. The traffickers are smart. They target vulnerable families struggling with too many mouths to feed.
Recently, they approached a man who had just lost his wife. Left with five children, he didn’t know what to do. So when a friendly visitor arrived, offering to take Abam (his youngest son) away to ensure he had an education, the dad naively jumped at the opportunity.
Of course there was no education, no better opportunities.
Abam, along with about 2,000 other children in Ghana, was sent to a life of hard labor. These young ones have been put on boats and are required to fish all day and night … or work the cocoa plantations with similar brutal hours and conditions. They are trapped in a cycle of abuse, their childhood stolen.
Kingsley, AFFEO’s partner in Ghana, is working from every angle to stop traffickers and support at-risk families by:
Working through local churches to identify and educate parents who could fall prey to traffickers’ schemes.
Coordinating with rescue organizations to ensure trafficked children receive trauma care upon their return.
Supporting reunification and healing efforts… a challenging task when the child feels betrayed, and the parents feel deep guilt.
Will you help children like Abam who have faced the horrors of trafficking, while preventing more from falling prey,
by giving a gift today?
In Ukraine, Romania, India and beyond, AFFEO also works to counter trafficking — especially among “aged out” teens who are so vulnerable.
With your gifts, our partners focus on:
Educating parents and teens prevent trafficking / raise awareness of traffickers’ schemes
Working closely with law enforcement to provide trauma therapy for victims
Assisting with legal paperwork and processes to prosecute the traffickers — getting them off the streets.
Every single hour and dollar devoted to this issue is critical. Because children are desperate right now.
Will you stand up today to protect these young, vulnerable children – their innocence and childhood?
A gift of $50, $100, $500 or even more will make an incredible impact in the fight against child trafficking.
Whatever you give will be used to help children who’ve been through the unimaginable and protect others from ever becoming victims.
Thank you so much for lifting up the most vulnerable in their time of great need!
Up to 42% of trafficked children are trafficked by a family member, the majority unknowingly
Up to 60% of teen girls who age out of orphanages fall into prostitution
Up to 70% of teen boys who age out of orphanages become criminals