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Ukrainian Partner Interview

Your support is helping thousands of orphans and vulnerable children each day in Ukraine.

A Family for Every Orphan has a dozen Ukrainian partners working around the clock to provide support to these children and vulnerable families. 

Below are a few of the updates we’ve received from our partners on the ground in Ukraine this past week. 

Update from Mariupol

Pastor Mokhnenko, one of AFFEO’s partners who has dedicated his life to protecting orphans, has evacuated nearly 500 people to safety. About 300 people were sheltered in the basement of his church in Mariupol. 

In the interview below, Pastor Mokhnenko shares updates from Mariupol and his own tragic experiences since the start of the war. 

Food Packs for Vulnerable Families

Food packs are being provided to vulnerable families. Each food pack includes water, canned meat, vegetables, oats, oil, flour, and macaroni. This provides huge relief to families in desperate need.

The goal is to provide 10,000 food packs a month. Each food pack feeds one person for two weeks. You can provide a vital food pack for just $25!

Orphans to Safety

Your support is making a tremendous impact. Over 30,000 orphans and vulnerable children and families have been evacuated to safety!

Evacuations continue each day as military activity increases in eastern Ukraine. Tens of thousands remain in need of evacuation to safety in the west.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers over the safety of our partners and the children and families they are evacuating!

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