Update: Happy Families for Diya and Nasar

esther 6 months mail chimp

All Diya wanted for Christmas was to be a daughter in a loving family. The last time we saw Diya, this precious baby girl, was abandoned at birth with no one to hold her, kiss her, and love on her. But God made it clear that she belonged in a loving family.

At an awareness raising event, that YOU supported, Anil and Kavin heard the beautiful message of adoption and their hearts were ignited! They fell in love with Diya, however the mountain of adoption expenses felt overwhelming. 

Thanks to you mountains have been moved! 

You provided the best Christmas gift ever, a loving family! Diya now has a wonderful mother who cares for her when she cries and a playful father who does not tire of playing peek-a-boo. They are now able to show her the tangible love of God every day as she grows up. 

Diya now spends her days giggling and cuddling with her parents. Diya regained a family and is now able to live with confidence that she is loved! This couldn’t have been possible without your life changing gift! Thank you!


The last time we saw Nasar, his family was struggling to make ends meet to provide heat in their home. Ukraine suffered a harsh winter and children can be removed if the required minimum temperature is not maintained in their home. 

You not only provided heat, you provided security. 

By providing firewood to Nasar’s family, along with many other at-risk families, you gave great peace and met basic needs in a way that Nasar and other children know they deserve the love of their families. 

Your gift to Nasar’s family helped this sweet boy remain in the loving care of his parents. Thanks to you, he is playing in the snow, enjoying warm milk by the fire, and enjoying the simple pleasures of being a kid.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus and helping at-risk children remain in their families! 

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