What Does COVID-19 Mean for Adoption in Romania?

With the onset of the corona virus and the sudden need to cancel any in-person counseling or training, our AFFEO affiliates in Romania mobilized quickly to move everything online. They are hosting online webinars 2-3 times per week to train people in the adoption process and to promote family-based care for orphans. They are also offering online counseling and support groups. We’re pleased to report that, as of mid-May, more than 80 adoptive families had the opportunity to be heard and supported.

In addition, toward the end of May team leaders decided to move events they had planned for National Adoption Day (June 2) to an online platform. Their goal? That several short videos would encourage 50,000 people throughout Romania to affirm their support of adoption. We are eagerly awaiting the results! Please pray that these continuing online platforms would meet the special needs of adoptive families in Romania while also generating a country-wide interest in adoption.

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