Your Prayers for Marinka Are Making a Difference!

In June, we requested prayer for Marinka, a sweet 5-year-old in Ukraine who experienced the horrors of war first hand when a Russian rocket blew up her home. Both she and her mother, Natalia, were badly injured. Marinka’s grandfather heroically drove them through enemy barricades and shelling until they reached Ukrainian soldiers who provided life-saving triage. The soldiers then secured an armored ambulance to transport them to nearby hospitals to receive the care they needed.

Unfortunately, one of Marinka’s legs had to be amputated. But thankfully, that’s not where her story ends.  

She has spent months in physical therapy and counseling, as this injury affected her deeply both physically and mentally. She and her mother received various types of support to help them work through their physical, emotional, and mental traumas. Today we are excited to report that Marinka is now walking almost independently on her new prosthetic leg! Thanks to your prayers, Marinka and Natalia were miraculously evacuated to safety, treated, and are continuing to heal. Thank you for faithfully upholding them!

Hundreds upon thousands of orphans, at-risk children, aged-out teens, and vulnerable families are receiving the help they need because of the gracious gifts and prayers of people like you. We thank God for the encouragement of this glimpse into Marinka’s recovery that reminds us of how our prayers are touching lives in the midst of a horrific war.

Please continue to pray for Marinka, her mother, and the many thousands like them who desperately need a continual touch from the Master’s hand as they deal, day by day, with unimaginable physical, mental and emotional issues.

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