The Annual Report Is Here!


Eric’s Update: His Growth and Development is Remarkable!

Thanks to your incredibly generous support, Eric is growing and progressing in ways that no doctor thought was possible!

His parents, Alex and Nati, along with all his new siblings, have thoroughly enjoyed loving on him and helping him heal from years of neglect. They say Eric is their joy, keeping everyone busy and laughing.

When Eric first came home, he was taking a lot of medications that kept him sedated. The family knew Eric had so much potential, and he needed a chance to shine. His parents, through many prayers, advocating, and under the doctors’ care, decided to scale back some of his medications.

In just a few weeks’ time, Eric started to become alive! He was more present, laughing a lot and crying when hungry and sleepy. He started recognizing his parents’ voices and siblings’ sweet, gentle touches. His family was able to find out his likes and dislikes. You made this possible!

Alex and Nati have been dedicated to taking Eric to therapy every day, and they are seeing remarkable improvements. Eric is getting stronger by the day, holding his head up better, trying new foods, and showing much better brain activity than doctors originally expected.

Eric’s current likes include:

  • All sweet fruits (not keen on vegetables)
  • Long walks in the park in his special stroller
  • His family helping him with his leg exercises

Your gifts to this precious boy:

  • Allowed his family to continue taking him to daily therapies
  • Provided a new, updated carseat better suited to his needs
  • Equipped Eric with a new, at-home nebulizer for breathing treatments
Thank you for equipping this family to bring Eric home and care for him with all the resources necessary. Your support has given them a chance to focus on Eric, showering him with love and care. You have helped give Eric a real chance to thrive!

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