Ensure child protection laws exist and shape policy to create paths for orphans to be in loving and stable families
Having a government that not only prioritizes family-based care for orphans but also has good child protection laws is fundamental to the orphan’s journey to a family.
Did you know?
Ghana is in the process of implementing foster care laws so that every child in the system has a fair chance of being placed in a properly-vetted and trained foster family.
What your gifts are doing to Protect:
Helping the government develop or reform child welfare laws and policies
Training lawyers and government officials in best practices for orphan care
Encouraging interagency cooperation
Providing models and tools that can be replicated
Developing and implementing foster care systems
Conducting social investigations of children living in orphanages The only thing standing between them and a family is being investigated and registered for adoption or reunited with family
Your support makes sure child protection laws exist and family-based care for orphans is a priority for the government.
The Latest in Protecting Children:

Save Ukrainian Children
Save Ukrainian Children By Heather DyerPublished in the Dallas Morning News Seeing my teenage daughter, I’m reminded every day about the thousands of Ukrainian children

Your Gifts Help Rescue Missions Continue
Your Support Raises Awareness & Fuels Efforts to BRING UKRAINIAN CHILDREN HOME https://youtu.be/Jq-BOuV555k?si=jx2dBVxD9qrPIEcX “It’s hard not to be afraid. These women have to travel alone

Your help is changing the trajectory for at-risk children in Paraguay.
In Paraguay, nearly 1,000 children live in institutions. Thousands more are considered “at-risk” in their homes, meaning they are mistreated, abused and/or neglected. Without help, these