Providing stability and connection for orphans through mentorship and family-style care, while efforts are made to help them remain in, reunite with, or regain a family through foster care or adoption.
Every child deserves a loving, stable, permanent family.
By coming alongside families who want to adopt or foster a child within their own country or strengthening a family that needs support, you can help provide a family for every orphan.
Did you know?
A large percentage of children in need of adoption are hard to place because they have special needs, are over age 4, and/or are part of sibling groups.
What your gifts are doing to connect
Helping orphans get adopted into families
Supporting children in foster families
Assisting with family reunification when possible and in the best interest of the child
Encouraging kinship/family care
Strengthening vulnerable families at risk of children being removed
Mentoring older orphans who will likely not be adopted
Creating videos of adoptable orphans to be shared in local communities
Most children are selected from a booklet that only shows faces and a short bio. These videos really allow prospective parents to get to know the child they might adopt
By creating permanency and stability for orphans through placement into a family, reunification, and mentorship, your support is making a difference!
The Latest in Connecting Children to Care:

Kashvi’s Story:
From Orphanage to Accounting Professional
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